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We are

We are

Side by side with you on your health journey, with the best solutions to prevent, treat and maintain your wellbeing. Through a diversified offer and a strong focus on galenic preparations, magistral galenics and officinal galenics. Because we believe in measurement, from prevention to treatment, we believe in specifics, we believe in you.

Your way of being a choice of responsibility

Your way of being a choice of responsibility

Deeply humane, rigorously scientific, ours is a vision of health that puts you at the centre.
Because our products have only one name: respect, for the person, for procedures, for safety and for science.
A responsible, shared choice that embraces life.

The group

The group

TILILAB.ch is a commercial company active on the Swiss territory. Our products are designed, developed and manufactured entirely in our laboratories. TILILAB is an integral part of a group of companies belonging to the same family, Farmacia TILI, which has been active for over 5 years in the pharmaceutical field and TILILAB srl is a laboratory for the production of food supplements and cosmetics.

Galenic and magistral LAB

Galenic and magistral LAB


For us, creating value means proposing innovation to improve health, enhance well-being. Our galenic and magistral laboratory is developed with the most advanced techniques and technologies in the sector.

It produces magistral and officinal galenic preparations: capsules type 00,0,2,4,5, tablets, creams, emulsions, liquids for topical and oral use, gels and other pharmaceutical forms. A complete response: responsible, balanced, tailored to you.

Regulatory compliance

Regulatory compliance

Every procedure we adopt and implement complies with regulatory requirements: the integral NBP, drawn up in an operating manual for checking production processes; environmental microbiological controls; production process controls; cleaning and disinfection of environments; maintenance and calibration of instruments. Everything we do stems from a sense of responsibility towards you, your world, which is also ours.

The laboratory is accredited with ISO:9001 certification.

Cosmetics and supplements

Cosmetics and supplements


Self-care, taking care of your health and well-being in a holistic and preventive way, is a lifestyle change. To assist this new health management, we have created TILAB srl which produces and distributes cosmetic products and food supplements on behalf of third parties, with a functional approach based on three principles:

- selected high quality ingredients with certified efficacy tests;

- formulations with a high active content and certified phytotherapeutic action;

- maximum level of transparency in product communication: INCI, clear description of the functions and active ingredients used.

TILAB srl is a GMP-approved laboratory equipped with the best tools for the production of production of tablets, capsules, gels, creams, liquid preparations, powders, etc.

Providing you with the best options to take care of your health is our priority. Now and in the years to come.

R&S โ€œgreen chemistryโ€

R&S โ€œgreen chemistryโ€

We make shared innovations because our world needs them today. Ours is a constant quest that commits us to develop solutions in a responsible and collaborative way. These are our values, serving a more balanced and green vision of your health.

This is why we have joined a network of companies developing 'green chemistry', aimed at the industrial sectors: textiles, natural dyes, food supplements, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

To produce innovation, the team has synergistic skills ranging from pure chemistry to chemical engineering and pharmaceutical chemistry.

The laboratory is equipped with the most advanced analytical instruments (SEM EDS, CHNMR, LC-Mass EI -ESI, Fluorimetry, Refractive index, Gel-permeation, SPC, Raman and FTIR Spectroscopy, Optical microscopy, Assited MW Extractor) for qualitative and quantitative analysis in support of research projects.
For us, the balance of your body merges with the integrity of the environment.

Dr Tili's remedies

Dr Tili's remedies

Providing meaningful solutions for essential health, skin and self-care.

Helping you live a healthier, more balanced life, every day from now on.